When I saw this kit I knew I wanted it so I could make a clock for a very dear
lady who is like a 2nd mom to me.
I am really hoping she likes it.
Her kitchen has roosters in it so this will go perfectly in there.
The clock is a working clock. I was looking for a shadow box with a dark frame on it to match with it. I ended up buying one at Walmart and taking it all apart. I got a discount on it as it was damaged.
A great friend of mine tagged me on a pinterest picture that she thought my Little Man would need. Well Jenn was right and here it is. On Pinterest it was a onesie that was done up but I chose to do a shirt.
I know Tyson is going to love to wear this shirt. He likes his Auntie who spoils him. He will get spoiled by me just like his 2 older brothers did. I am hoping to go see him soon.
This Owl box is a file that should be available soon from Creative Kuts.
It is a great little treat box for any special person. I have chosen to fill it with flowers.
This was one of the projects the 3D team had to work on for the month of March. I am a little behind on mine as I have has some crazy days and also am fighting a cold that has taken up residence in my body.
I decided to give this owl box to my Mother In Law when I meet her for lunch on friday. I know she really doesnt care for candy so I figured some flowers in it would serve its purpose for her for belated Easter Present.
2012 is a new year, with a mix of old and new in our making a difference program. First off, we’re keeping our partnership with Operation Smile. They are an awesome organization that performs life changing cleft lip surgeries on children whose families could not otherwise afford it. The long term improvement in quality of life for the children that receive these surgeries is almost incomprehensible. We’re honored to support the children of Operation Smile.
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How does it work?:
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Operation Smile
Operation Smile is such an amazing cause in which changes people's lives all over the world!